The naming of KÜSTE represents the seashore in German as the site is only 500m away from Sotobo coastline and elevated 39m above sea level. Together with other public buildings such as the city hall and the central police bureau, it occupies an area of scenic beauty of Pacific Ocean and symbolizes the space of cultural communication set in coastal landscape full of green and hilly topography. The architecture of a simple square plan was placed on an irregular geomorphology of distorted land surface and created a setting for landscape design that required conciliation between architectural form and landform on vertically terraced form of topography. Form of terrace that represents the coastal landscape in Katsuura and staircases of some shrines in the town was applied to retaining walls of gabion that reserved appropriate planting soils. Walls of gabion and lines of trees both function as a strong spatial structure on the site and will characterize the landscape of KÜSTE with backdrop of surrounding hillside green and nature in the region.
ADDRESS : Katsuura,Chiba
SCALE : 13,060m2
COMPLETION : 2014.12
BUSINESS OWNER : Katsuura-city